Founded by John Fazio in 2017, Third Wave Capital is the manifestation of intimate industry knowledge and foresight into the technological future of business in America. Over the past 15 years, Fazio has built 4 successful technology businesses as founder, operator, investor, and mentor all the while day trading derivative options with stellar returns and building a modest commercial real estate portfolio. With experience ranging from the ground floor to the board room, Fazio provides perspective, leadership, and operational capability to produce unrivaled returns on capital.
Via Fazio’s investment endeavors, Third Wave Capital has accumulated a portfolio of investments and influence across three critical sectors; Venture Capital, Capital Markets, and Real Estate.
Via Jarvus Innovations Venture Portfolio, Fazio’s operatorship has produced industry shaping ventures throughout a wide variety of sectors including education technology, restaurant technology, and esports. From an initial investment of $900,000 into 6 companies in 6 years, the Jarvus Venture Portfolio market cap now exceeds $15,000,000.
Third Wave’s first internally funded capital fund, Jarvus Fund Zero, is focused on the cross market impact of emerging technologies. Jarvus Fund Zero develops long term strategies amplified by derivatives, futures, and algorithmic trading platforms.
Third Wave’s modest real estate portfolio is invests in geographic areas poised to capitalize on trends of urbanization, access to technological infrastructure, and youth demographic trends.